
Apple Mac Mini Disassembled

Apple’s Mac ambitious pricing policy in Turkey as well as the new computer offered for sale Mini was blown to bits by a YouTuber. The interior design of the computer, which includes Apple Silicon’s new processor M1, looks extremely simple.

Apple’s new computer for people who want a desktop but don’t want to deal with huge cases Mac Minihas been put on the market in our country recently and it was appreciated. Currently in our country Starting from 7.899 TL The affordable Apple Mac Mini promises up to 3 times faster CPU performance, according to the company’s statement. With Apple M1 processor is coming. However, the computer, which offers up to 6 faster graphics performance, has a machine learning up to 15 times faster thanks to the Neural Engine.

Apple Mac Mini, which has been a great curiosity since the day it was first announced with all these features, is the Branden Geekabit. YouTuber Disassembled by. It was very curious how the computer with Apple’s own processor M1, which was used for the first time this year, looked like.

Just an interior design with the Apple M1

Apple’s always prominent design perception, new Mac MiniIt seems to be reflected in the interior design. Mac Mini, which has an extremely easily detachable structure, can fit in a much smaller area thanks to M1s with Apple Silicon chips instead of Intel processors.

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Of Mac Mini to the disassembly video When we look at it, we see that the company continues a similar design in its previous models, but the M1 card takes much less space than Intel, making the device more compact. Of course, there are situations where we can say “it would have been without it” in the Mac Mini that came with the M1. Chief among these is the soldering of the RAM and SSD directly to the M1 motherboard. Since there is no slot slot, the Mac Mini can stay smaller, but users cannot upgrade RAM or storage space whenever they want. We also see that the number of Thunderbolt connections has been reduced by half.

Apple’s basic Mac Mini model is sold abroad for $ 100 less than its predecessor. The computer, which provides 3 times more performance increase despite being sold cheaper, has up to 16 GB of super-fast RAM. In addition, Mac Mini, which includes up to 2 TB SSDs that can reach speeds of 3.4 GBps, has lower features in the basic version.

Mac Mini

Apple Mac Mini specifications

We have announced that the Apple Mac Mini is available in our country for 7899 TL. When we look at the features of the Mac Mini with a system in this price range, the M1 processor meets us in the processor section. Apple has decided to use the processor in all its models in its new mini computer. The continuation of the basic version has 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of SSD storage. Customers can optionally increase memory to 16 GB and storage space to 512 GB, 1 TB and 2 TB.

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