
NVIDIA Announces Third Quarter Results

Graphics card maker NVIDIA achieved 57 percent revenue growth in the third quarter of 2020 compared to the previous year, thanks to the huge revenue growth in next-generation graphics cards and data centers. The company managed to gain $ 4.73 billion in this process.

NVIDIA has released its report for the third fiscal quarter ending October 25. According to the published report, the giant company increased its income compared to the same period of the previous year. 57 percent by increasing $ 4.73 billion revenue achieved. Managed to attract investors with new graphics cards and artificial intelligence products NVIDIAexceeded expectations, with revenue of $ 2.91 per share.

The company, whose non-GGAP earnings reached $ 1.78 per share a year ago, had a total revenue of $ 3.01 billion. California based hardware company, during the pandemic He seems to have achieved great success with the steps he took. Achieving solid revenues not only from graphics cards, but also from platforms such as artificial intelligence-supported products and cloud gaming service offered in large data centers, NVIDIA exceeded analysts’ expectations.

NVIDIA RTX 3000 series with ray tracing was welcomed

Behind this success of NVIDIA in the third quarter, especially RTX There are new generation graphics cards with (Ray Tracing) technology. Microsoft and Sony PC side still stronger side against next generation consoles The new Nvidia RTX 3000 series graphics cards seem to have won the appreciation of PC gamers.


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Revenue growth in the data center reached very high rates

GeForce Now

However, NVIDIA’s data center revenue has increased compared to the previous year. up 162 percent It reached 1.9 billion dollars. Game revenues increased by 37 percent to $ 2.27 billion. Earlier this year, NVIDIA acquired Mellanox, a key technology for chips used in data centers, for $ 7 billion. However, we saw that the company purchased ARM, one of the world’s largest semiconductor and chip companies, for $ 40 billion on September 13, 2020. The company is a giant in this process ARM is in the process of getting approval for its purchase. It looks like NVIDIA will continue to maintain this success in the next quarter.

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