
Ekim Kaya Attacked in New York

Turkish internet phenomenon and “entrepreneur” Ekim Kaya was attacked in New York. It is unknown who and why they attacked Kaya, whose Lamborghini was stolen as a result of this attack.

Known as an entrepreneur October Kayawas attacked in the USA where he lived. The luxury of Kaya, who was attacked by two people Lamborghiniwas also stolen. Although the vehicle was found in an accident after a short time, it is not known who and why they attacked Kaya.

Speaking about the accident that took place in New York on Friday, Kaya said that he crashed into the car of a scooter, broke his mirror and the events started on it. Saying that he went down to talk about the damage to his vehicle, Kaya said that the thieves That he offered 100 dollars However, he did not accept this offer, because the price of spare parts is excluding labor. 2400 dollars He expresses that he said he was holding, and that there was a fight.

“First I got an elbow, then a kick”

Saying that he first ate an elbow during the quarrel, Ekim Kaya to the ground that you fell, then states that he started to be kicked. At the end of a short brawl, one of the attackers escaped with a Lamborghini and the other with their scooter. That the incident took place very close to a police station, but the police were on the pace of Lamborghini. they cannot catch up It is stated that they could not do anything in the first place.

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The final version of the vehicle is almost unusable

October Kaya's Lamborgini

In his statements on the subject, Ekim Kaya 4 hours laterHe states that he is 16 kilometers away from the scene. As can be seen in the photo above, the final version of the vehicle is of the kind that breaks down. However, even though the vehicle was found, the people who attacked Kaya still they could not be caught.


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