
EA Play Comes to Xbox Game Pass

EA Play, which has more than 60 games in its library, according to the statement made by Microsoft; Xbox Series S / X is coming to Xbox Game Pass for PC and Android.

Microsoft’s next generation game consoles Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, Including Turkey as of today, it will be available to gamers all over the world. Monthly subscription service, formerly EA Access / Origin Access, with the launch of the new generation Xboxes EA Play is coming to Xbox Game Pass with today’s launch.

Along with EA Play, Xbox Series X players can play in the EA Play library, especially popular games such as Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, FIFA 20, Need for Speed ​​Heat, Battlefield V, Titanfall 2, Mass Effect, The Sims, for a certain monthly fee. They will be able to access more than 60 games at no additional cost.

Xbox Game Pass Utimate subscribers will have cloud access to 7 EA Play games from their Android phone

EA Play can be used with Xbox Game Pass subscription for Xbox Series X / S as well as Android smartphone users and PC gamers. While EA Play is coming to Xbox Game Pass for Android as of today; Xbox Game Pass subscribers on PC for EA Play Until December 15 they will have to wait.

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Android users via Xbox Game Pass Ultimate via cloud only Dragon Age: Inquisition, Madden NFL 20, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Plants etc. They will be able to access 7 games consisting of Zombies Garden Warfare 2, The Sims 4 and Unravel 2. PC players, on the other hand, will have access to the entire EA Play library, be it regular or Ultimate subscription.

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