
365 Days Movie Receives 0% From Critics On Rotten Tomatoes

Netflix’s movie 365 Days, which remained on the list of the most watched movies for weeks this year, was hit by critics and viewers. The film received 0% from critics on Rotten Tomatoes.

The world’s most popular online TV series and movie viewing platform Netflixoffers its users many productions that are made by third parties and have their own original content. However, the quality of these productions also causes various discussions among users.

One of the last films to which these discussions have returned is Polish production. 365 dni (365 days) movie had been. The production, which was on the list of the most watched movies on Netflix for weeks, got very low scores from both the audience and the critics, despite the high views it achieved.

365 Days movie received 0% from critics on Rotten Tomatoes

With Barbara Bialowas and Tomasz Mandes in the directing chair, 365 Days was voted by 42,211 people on IMDb and got 3.3 points on average. In addition, when we look at the distribution of points on IMDb, it is seen that the film received 10/10 score from 4,752 people. The film also scored 1.1 from the audience on Metacritic, while its Metascore was not formed due to not enough critics (4) scoring the film.

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The film “managed to get 0%” from the critics on another popular movie rating site, Rotten Tomatoes. The audience score of the film is 29%. However, this scoring system of Rotten Tomatoes can confuse the audience. The movie didn’t actually get 0/100 or 0/10 from the critics on Rotten Tomatoes. The film received from the critics average score 1.9 / 10.

365 days rotten tomatoes score detailed


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So where does this 0% come from? The 0% is actually due to Rotten Tomatoes’ scoring system. The critics’ comments are taken as “Fresh” or “Rotten”, and then calculated by percentage and subtracted. As you can see from the image above, the film’s the percentage score also turns out to be 0%. Well, have you watched the movie? What are your thoughts on the movie?

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