
Interesting Shares from TikTok’s ‘Gemini’ Stream

TikTok users started a very interesting trend. TikTokers trying to find other users who are similar to them with the photos they shared, created very interesting images. In some of the images shared, it’s almost impossible to even believe that there are actually two people.

One of the most popular social media platforms of recent years TikTokA new trend started in This trend, which includes millions of users, never met allows them to find their twins. Users who find their twin also share the same clothes and share this situation with other users.

Users who are very similar to each other are quite interesting images appeared. Some users may not be so similar to each other, some they were identical twins they look like Quite interesting trend seems to succeed to be one of the most interesting things TikTok has brought to our lives so far.

Here are images from one of TikTok’s most interesting trends to date.

For example, the people in the post above have never they didn’t recognize. However, thanks to the new trend in TikTok, users who find each other reveal that humans are indeed created in pairs. Also, this is not the only example, for example, the duo in the image you will see right below is as if it were two different poses looks.

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Some people use various aesthetic operations they can pass. If it is a woman you will see in the next image, it looks as if she took a photo again after having a nose operation. However, such a situation is out of the question. The woman you’ll see on the right is actually someone else.


Some other users who found each other in the TikTok stream are as follows:





Source :

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