
Photo Editing Tool Halide Mark II Released

Halide Mark II, which is fully compatible with the new camera features of iPhone 12 models, has been released. The new application also offers new pricing and payment options.

Lux Optics, a completely revamped interface, announced with iPhone 12 models Apple ProRAW support and new with improved professional photography tools Halide Mark II announced the application of photography.

Lux Optics does not describe Halide Mark II as a simple app update. Instead of blending the foundation created in the first generation Halide application with the technology developed for the Specter application, a completely new application regards as.

Halide Mark II, which wants to make it easy to use, has a motion-based mode switcher and ‘accessibility’ controls for one-handed use adds. In addition, the interface has been redesigned to be fully compatible with the new generation iPhone 12 models.

Featuring additional controls on the manual focus bar, enhanced precision and a customized physique, the Halide Mark II sensitive touch mechanism The user can automatically enable and disable features such as exposure alerts while adjusting exposure and focus.

halide mark II interface

As you know, Apple makes sure that professional photographers professional regulations Apple announced ProRAW during the iPhone 12 launch. Halide Mark II provides support for Apple ProRAW, enabling photographers to improve their results.

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According to Lux Optics, one of the most important features of Halide Mark II is 14-bit RAW exposure and a visualization tool called XDR Analysis that promises to provide an output preview. The tool in question offers users a metadata output to whitepaper the image.


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Lux Optics has released Halide Mark II for free. However, to benefit from all the features of the application Annual subscription for $ 11.99 or 36 dollar purchase You have to choose one of the options. If you want to give Halide Mark II a chance, whose capabilities will rise with iPhone 12 Pro models here you can click.

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