
Natural Remedies for Elephant Disease

Elephant foot disease; in medical language lymphedema; It is a disease that occurs with the inflammation of lymphatic vessels and usually occurs in the arms, legs and genitals. This condition causing excessive fluid accumulation and thus swelling in the affected area; It occurs in the direction of changes in the lymphatic system depending on congenital or acquired factors.
Lymphatic system disorders working in parallel with the immune system trigger fluid accumulation in the tissue over time; causes elephant foot disease.

What is elephant disease in this article? What are the symptoms? I would like to answer the questions and then talk about natural methods you can use in the treatment of elephant disease.

Details you need to know about elephant disease:

What is elephant disease?

This disease, which causes fluid accumulation in the affected area together with congestion in the lymphatic system responsible for maintaining the water balance of our body; It progresses with excessive swelling and thickening of the skin.

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This discomfort, which is generally seen in the genitals, breasts and lower extremities of the body; Primary lymphedema is divided into different classes such as secondary lymphedema, lymphedema that develops after lipoedema and lymphedema that occurs after chronic venous insufficiency.

Lymphedema, which can be defined as the excessive increase in lymphatic fluid carried between cells; It stands out as fluid accumulation between tissues.

Symptoms of elephant disease

Elephant disease symptoms that can often be confused with symptoms of other diseases in the early stages; It can vary depending on the severity, cause, and stage of the disease.

  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Ulcer development on the skin.
  • Congestion in lymphatic vessels.
  • Excessive swelling in affected limbs.
  • Chill and fever
  • Weakness and weakness
  • Skin discoloration
  • White urine color in advanced period.
  • Inflammation of the spleen and liver
  • Enlarged and swollen lymph nodes
  • Arm, hand or wrist, etc. difficulty and restriction of movement in the affected area
  • Feeling tight in the skin.
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Causes of elephant disease

Brugia malayi, B. Timori, etc., which are often transmitted to humans by some female mosquitoes, which are a type of parasite. elephant disease caused by worms; When it enters the bloodstream, it can cause some bacterial infections.

Swelling in the lymphatic vessels with these bacteria attacking the lymphatic system and immune system can slow the blood circulation if not intervened in time. As a result, many complications can be seen, especially gangrene.

Elephant disease, which can develop after some surgical operations, may sometimes occur in the direction of obstruction of the lymphatic system due to radiation therapy applications, trauma and tumor disorders.

Treatment of elephant disease

Although there is no definitive medicine or surgical method to cure the disease, antibiotics, antiparasitic drugs and surgery can be used in the treatment of lymphedema.

We can list the methods used in the treatment of elephant disease as follows:

Treatment of elephant disease with antibiotics

When treating elephant disease caused by parasites, doctors often prescribe certain antibiotics that kill the worms and prevent them from growing further.

The disease can usually be cured by using these antibiotics for a few months.

Treating elephant disease with physical therapy

Physical therapy aimed at reducing swelling and preventing swelling from reappearing; It is most effective in treating elephant diseases that are not caused by parasites.

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Regular repetition of some exercises, wearing pressure cuffs, and using some moisturizers can be successful.

To treat elephant disease with surgery

In cases where the desired result cannot be obtained with the use of physical therapy and antibiotics, surgery can be used as a last resort.

However, you also have the opportunity to fight and prevent elephant diseases using some natural methods.

What is good for elephant disease?

We can list the medicinal herbs you can use in the treatment of elephant disease as follows:

Flax seeds

Flaxseed, which stands out with its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect and is a great antioxidant; It cleans the body of all harmful factors, bacteria and germs.

To take advantage of this healing property of flaxseed, which fights bacteria that cause elephant disease, add two tablespoons of flax seeds to your yogurt and consume 2-3 bowls a day.

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You can alleviate the symptoms of elephant disease by adding flax seeds to your salads and muffins.


Ginger prevents infections in the body with its anti-inflammatory effect; It heals damaged and unable to function nodes and allows them to return to their functions.

Grate a piece of ginger with ginger, which is very good for inflammation and edema formation, and boil it in a glass of boiling water and treat your disease naturally and with herbs.

After brewing for 10 minutes, strain the tea. Drink this tea 3 times a day.

Treatment of lymphedema with turmeric

Turmeric, known as a powerful and natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic; Like ginger and flaxseed, it also plays a role in the treatment of lymphedema.

To combat lymphedema, mix a glass of warm milk with a pinch of turmeric powder and consume. If you wish, you can add turmeric to your meals as a spice.

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Lymphedema treatment with garlic and onion juice

You can cleanse your body from harmful bacteria, germs and inflammations with garlic and onion juice, which are cures for many diseases as a source of healing.

By consuming one or two glasses of garlic or onion juice daily, you can clear the congestion in your lymphatic vessels and facilitate fluid buildup.

How is elephant disease treated?

You can use the following methods to prevent the disease or prevent recurrence:

  • When you find swelling in your body, be sure to consult a physiotherapist. Don’t ignore any swelling.
  • If you find insect bites, abrasions, scratches on the skin, be sure to rinse the affected area with clean water and rinse.
  • Be sure to use a moisturizer that does not contain alcohol, perfume, or lanonine after each shower.
  • See your doctor whenever you notice redness and swelling to avoid the risk of infection in your body.
  • Always use a sunscreen to protect your arms and legs from sunburn.
  • Avoid using cosmetic products that can irritate your skin.
  • Try not to wear tight and tight clothing as possible.
  • Do not wear tight elastic clothing!
  • Take care to maintain your ideal weight, as weight gain predisposes to elephant disease.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat foods high in fiber and low in salt.
  • Eat a regular and balanced diet.
  • Protect your arm against any risk of impact, pressure, injury and infection.
  • If you are at risk of lymphedema in your arms, always keep your arm clean and do not scratch your arm with the palm of your hand, not your nails.

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