
iPhone 13 Could Be A Feature That Has Been Waited For Years

For years, iPhone users wanted the Touch ID fingerprint reader to be included in phones again. According to rumors, these requests can be met in the next generation.

Apple, recently offered iPhone 12 models for sale. Although these models are the subject of discussion around the world, they were sold like a piece of cheese. Many more users iPhone 12 Rumors surfaced about the next phone before we could get its models.

An account that shared accurate predictions and leaks in its previous posts, new iPhone 13 made a statement about. On the new phone according to the share of the account Touch ID fingerprint reader will be used.

Touch ID returns

Used on some models in the past for many iPhone users Touch ID fingerprint sensor was a very successful system. These users are new Face IDHe frequently stated that they wanted to use the old system, despite

New iPhone 13In the ‘s it was claimed that the American technology giant would respond to these demands. Although it is only a year before we see the new phone, this period is very short for technology companies. Of new devices development process It starts 1 year in advance.


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In his posts before, encrypted In a share made from a Twitter account using a “MESA uts for iPhone” statement took place. This post that looks like a typo, for the new term informations may be hosting

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touch id


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In Apple’s development process Touch ID name he uses for MESA was. uts is known as under the screen. This too Touch IDIt means it can come back with the new iPhone.

Actually Touch ID The return of the feature has also been associated with the coronavirus pandemic. For Face ID Although its feature is more useful, it has difficulty recognizing people while wearing a mask. Therefore, two technologies can be used together. Let’s see Apple new iPhone 13What kind of innovations will it appear before us in?

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