
Benefits and Harm of Lemon Juice for Skin

Lemon juice benefits for skin; Lemon, which is the fruit of lemon trees grown in temperate regions such as India, the Aegean, Mediterranean regions, South Asia and South America, is also known by different names such as trident and aqueous acid among people.
The lemon we use to season our salads and dishes stands out with its bitter taste; It is known as a great source of vitamin C.

This fruit is used in making beverages such as lemonade and iced tea; It is also frequently used in traditional medicine.

So much so that the usual lemon consumption; It strengthens the immune system, makes the digestive system work faster, accelerates metabolism and facilitates fat burning.

When used in dental care, lemon juice cleans teeth and mouth thoroughly; It is also very good for bloating, gas, and indigestion.

Lemon, a powerful source of antioxidants; It cleanses the body from toxins and prevents free radicals from damaging tissues.

When consumed regularly, it protects the health of hair and skin as well as lowers high blood pressure and keeps it under control.

In this article, what are the benefits of lemon juice for the skin? We will try to answer the question of how to use lemon in skin care and talk about lemon masks recipes that you can easily prepare at home.

Here are the details you need to know about the benefits of lemon for skin health:

What are the benefits of lemon and lemon juice for the skin?

We can summarize the benefits of lemon juice you can use in your skin care as follows:

  • Eliminate acne and pimples

Lemon contains L-ascorbic acid, a substance that quickly penetrates acne and pimples and is easily absorbed by the skin; When applied on acne and acne, it eliminates inflammation.

Since it heals acne and acne, we recommend that people with oily skin use lemon frequently for skin care.

  • Fight blackheads, acne and acne scars.

Lemon acid structure; It cleans the skin’s pores deeply and fights blackheads clogging the inside of the pores.

Thanks to its skin lightening function, it improves the appearance of acne and acne scars. It accelerates the regeneration of cells and shortens the process of healthy tissue formation.

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To improve the appearance of acne and acne scars on the skin, leave a lemon slice on the problem area for an average of 2-3 minutes. If you wish, you can apply lemon juice directly on the wounds with the help of cotton.

After waiting for an average of 5 minutes, rinse your skin with plenty of warm water.

  • Nourish and moisturize the skin

Lemon juice moisturizes and nourishes the skin and exfoliates the skin.

Paying attention to the pH balance of the skin and the whole body; Although it has an acidic structure, it increases the amount of alkali in the body.

  • Improves the appearance of imperfections.

The acidic appearance of lemon also makes it possible to open the stains when applied on it.

Masks prepared with lemon also remove the tonal imbalances in the skin, purify the skin from blemishes and return the skin to its own healthy color.

For whiter skin, you can try the lemon mask or drink 1 glass of lemon juice every morning.

  • It is good for stretch marks and cellulite.

Weight gain, pregnancy, etc. For some reason, it tightens the skin by accumulating cellulite and cracks in the body over time.

For the treatment of cellulite and stretch marks, massage the cellulite with 1 lemon slice for an average of 5 minutes.

After waiting for an average of 10 minutes, rinse the application area with plenty of water.

You can repeat this process once a day.

  • Strengthens nails

In addition to skin care, this fruit can easily be used in nail care; It strengthens the nail structure and allows the nails to grow quickly. It also strengthens the nails, reducing the likelihood of breakage.

Mix a few drops of lemon juice with a tablespoon of olive oil in a glass bowl to strengthen your brittle nails.

Apply this mixture on your nails before going to bed at night. Wear gloves if possible.

  • It relieves the itching severity.

When you apply the juice of this fruit to the itchy parts of the body, you can witness that the itching completely disappears over time and completely disappears.

  • Provides rapid wound healing.

Lemon peel and juice have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and when applied to wounds, it accelerates the wound healing process.

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It prevents scratches, cuts and wounds from becoming inflamed and worsening their condition.

  • Has a delaying effect on aging

When applied to skin wrinkles, it smoothes the skin by opening wrinkles and fine lines.


We strongly recommend that you squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into a glass of warm water to your hungry partner in the morning and consume it every morning to take advantage of the above-mentioned effects of lemon!

Does applying lemon on the face whiten it?

As we mentioned before, applying lemon on the face regularly brightens the face.

When applied to the knee and elbow area, it is good for these areas to darken.

In short, it causes you to have a more radiant skin.

Does it hurt to rub lemon on your face?

There is no harm in rubbing lemon on your face unless you overdose. However, after use on extremely sensitive skin, irritation, redness and itching may occur on the skin.

If your skin is extremely sensitive, you should avoid applying lemon directly to your skin, mix it with a little yogurt and apply it to your skin. In this way, you can prevent your skin from being damaged.

How is lemon applied to the face?

If your skin is not very sensitive, you can apply lemon directly to your skin. If you have sensitive skin, you should dilute it with other ingredients and then rub it into your skin.

Here are our recipes for fully effective face masks you can make with lemon.

Lemon juice mask for acne and acne:

If you have an oily, acne-prone and acne-prone skin type, you can apply this mask regularly to your skin.


  • 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 egg white

Preparation and application:

  • In a glass bowl, whisk the egg white with a fork until it froths.
  • Mix the lemon juice well with the egg white and rub it on your clean face as if you were massaging it with your fingertips.
  • When the 15-minute waiting period is over, rinse your skin with plenty of warm water.
  • Apply the mask once a week on your skin.

Lemon juice mask for skin whitening:

You can choose this mask to combat tonal imbalances in your skin.

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  • Teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of organic honey
  • 1 teaspoon tomato paste

Preparation and application:

  • Peel and mix the tomato to get the porridge.
  • Transfer the tomato paste to a glass bowl.
  • Mix the lemon juice and honey with the porridge.
  • Apply the mask you created all over your face.
  • After waiting 10 minutes, rinse your skin with plenty of warm water.
  • Then rinse your skin with plenty of cold water to create a shock effect.
  • Apply the mask once a week on your skin.

Lemon and yogurt mask for acne:

You can try this mask to clean the pores on your skin.


  • 1 freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 bowl of organic yogurt

Preparation and application:

  • Mix the lemon juice and yogurt well in a glass bowl.
  • Apply the mask all over your face except around the eyes.
  • After 15 minutes, wash your face with plenty of warm water.
  • Apply this mask once a week on your skin.

Lemon and baking soda anti-wrinkle mask (for combination and oily skin):

You can try this mask both to remove wrinkles on your skin and to remove blemishes.


  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • Lemon juice

Preparation and application:

  • Mix the two ingredients in a glass bowl and apply all over your face, especially where there are strong wrinkles.
  • After waiting 10 minutes, rinse your skin with plenty of water.
  • If you have extremely dry and sensitive skin, you should avoid using this mask.

Lemon juice skin damage

It is beneficial to apply lemon juice on your face, lemon juice also damages the skin. It causes irritation and redness on sensitive and allergic skins. The acid contained in lemon juice can cause skin problems. Also, do not use it if you have wounds and acne on your face

In this article, we try to share the most effective lemon mask recipes with you.

You can write the mask recipes you have used before or currently use in the comments section of our article, and share your experience and suggestions with our valuable followers.

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