
Researchers Imaged Photons in Real Time

Scientists imaged the flying photons in real time, using a system developed in collaboration with internationally called UV-CUP. The developed device is expected to be used in many different areas in the coming periods.

The basic unit of light and the universal speed limit photons A seriously advanced machine is needed to capture on the go. That’s why scientists have developed a device that is said to be the fastest UV camera in the world and is capable of capturing ultra-fast events lasting only a picosecond. The developed device enables photons to fly in the air. in real time could catch.

Developed by the Canadian Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Research Institute) UV-CUP (compressed ultra-fast photography), Used to capture ultra-fast events at speeds measured by trillions of frames per second, but hitherto limited to visible and near-infrared wavelengths a new imaging technique is accepted as.

The team was able to view the photons in real time:

The scientist who led the study, Jingyang Liang, about the subject “Many events that occur in very short time scales are also very small. also on a spatial scale takes place. To see them, you need to sense shorter wavelengths. This UV or even X-ray sizes making is a significant step towards this goal “ says.

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Liang said that taking the photo is only the first half of the job. rebuild to be also states that it should. To do this, the researchers collaborated with Boston University to develop a new algorithm that is more efficient than standard algorithms. Liang also points out that this new algorithm divides the reconstruction problem into smaller problems that it tackles one by one rather than solving it as a heap.

In seconds with innovations in both hardware and software 0.5 trillion square UV-CUP, which has an imaging speed, can thus display floating UV photons in real time. Yingming Lai, co-author of the article, about what UV-CUP can do “It always fascinates me that we can view the fastest object in the universe in such detail.” said.



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The device developed in cooperation with internationally, research laboratory in France to visualize physical events SOLEIL Synchrotron to be sent. The device is expected to be used in many fields, both in basic and applied sciences. Results of the research Laser & Photonics Reviews published in the magazine.

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