
One Player Manages to Increase the PS Trophy Level to 999

A PlayStation gamer known as Hakoom managed to reach level 999 in Sony’s ‘Trophies’ event. Behind this success is the 92.61 percent completion rate of 3,616 games on average.

Japan-based technology giant Sony, in order to keep players’ interest in PlayStation always high “MugsPlayers can earn trophies of different rarity levels and increase their level with the tasks they perform while playing the game. who succeeded in anger This feature is highly regarded by many PlayStation owners.

The main subject of this news is not the PlayStation’s Trophies feature, this feature is almost addictive an actor. The player named “Hakoom”, who has been recognized by the Guinness Book of Records for his successes in the past years, announced that he has broken a new world record. Hakoom reached Trophies level thanks to the trophies he won To 999 succeeded.

Here is the share where that success is registered

Hakoom, who announced his success with a post he made on Twitter, was a member of Sony’s Trophies feature. should update because he says it has reached 999th, the highest level under current conditions. Saying that he expects 6 years in the years when the highest level is 100, Hakoom will not be able to stay at the 999th level until the PlayStation 6 is released. what you don’t want it states.


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How was this success achieved?

Hakoom, on average every month 1,000 cups won. Moreover, this player has 2,687 Platinum Trophies. If we accept that the Platinum Trophy win rate is very low, we can say that the player is an addict. In fact, Hakoom is really a game addict. Because behind this success Completion of 3.616 games on average 92.61 percent lies. If we give an average of 10 hours of gameplay for each game, we can state that 4 years in Hakoom’s life have passed by playing games.

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