
19 cents raise is coming to gas tonight

According to the statement made by EPGİS, gasoline prices are increased by 19 cents from tonight. It was noteworthy that this hike was when the dollar was falling.

Recently, there has been a downward movement in exchange rates. $ 8,5; Minister of Economy Berat Albayrak’s resignationWith the impact of Naci Ağbal’s introduction to the Central Bank and various statements made, 70 cents in just 3 days by falling to 7.80 TL. This positive decline in the dollar made us think that there will be a discount especially on products exported abroad, but it seems that the situation will not be so in the fuel sector.

From the Energy Petrol Gas Supply Stations Employer Union (EPGİSAccording to the latest information received, gasoline prices are raised by 19 cents tonight. Gasoline prices in Ankara with new pricing From 6,81 TL to 7 TL; From 6.77 TL to 6.96 TL in Istanbul; In İzmir, it rose from 6.83 TL to 7.02 TL.

Fuel prices rise while the dollar is falling

Fuel prices; Where Turkey and the surrounding countries in the Mediterranean market processed fuel It is calculated according to the average of the prices of its products and the dollar rate. In these days when the dollar exchange rate drops seriously, the price of gasoline raise a raiseTherefore, it was met with surprise. Nevertheless, a serious decrease in gasoline prices is expected in the coming days.


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