
Maruti Suzuki’s Hatchback Receives 0 Paun In Crash Test

Indian manufacturer Maruti Suzuki’s hatchback model S-Presso failed to score any points in the crash test it entered at Global NCAP. The car showed very bad results in a collision at a speed of 64 kilometers per hour.

With the development of technologies used in cars today driver and passenger safety also improved significantly. So much so that the cars getting 5 points out of 5 in the world-class accident tests are now regarded as a normal thing, not a great success.

However, despite all these developments, there are still car models that are not developed enough to get five stars. Indian automaker is the newest example of this. Of Maruti Suzuki small size hatchback Suzuki S-Presso happened. India and South Africa The car, which has a price tag of $ 5,000 in its markets, could not score any points in the crash test it entered.

Suzuki S-Presso scored 0 points in the crash test:

At Global NCAP Suzuki S-Presso, who entered the accident test, in the adult protection test at a speed of 64 kilometers per hour 0 points achieved. Test footage published by Global NCAP featured Suzuki S-Presso’s crash moments. As it can be clearly seen at the time of the accident, the passengers’ necks were moving enough to be injured.

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In addition, on the chest of both passengers in the front high level of pressure were located. It is the greatest danger for passengers who have different dangers in each section. were airbags. Strangely in the vehicle only in the driver’s area at the front There was an air bag.

Global NCAP’s General Secretary Alejandro furasmade a statement on the subject. Alejandro Furas, in his statement ‘It is very sad that the automaker Maruti Suzuki, which has the largest share in the Indian market, offers such low safety performance to Indian consumers.‘gave the statement.

In india ‘#SaferCarsForIndiaSince the ‘(Safer Tools for India) project was launched, many manufacturers have increased their security measures. Maruti Suzuki’s rivals, Tata and Mahindra, were also among them. Head of Towards Zero Foundation In David Ward in the statement he made, cars with 0 points in the Indian market that they won’t have a place stated.

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