
Tom Cruise Spied Driving a Doorless BMW M5

World-renowned actor Tom Cruise was spotted driving a doorless BMW M5 in the filming of the new movie of the popular movie series Mission: Danger. In addition, the camera carrier cars used during the filming of the film attracted attention.

One of the famous action movie series in cinema history Our Mission is Dangeris getting ready to return to the big screen with its seventh ring, and Tom Cruise will once again appear as Ethan Hunt. Our Mission: Danger 7The filming of ‘is currently underway in Rome, the capital of Italy.

A video that was recorded and shared on YouTube during the filming of one of the chase scenes in Mission: Danger 7, has been ongoing since the appearance of the BMW i8 Concept in Our Mission: Danger 4: Ghost Protocol, which was released in 2011. Partnership of BMW-Mission Danger reveals that he will also appear in this movie.

In the video in question, we see a BMW M5Escapes from a crowded car convoy through the narrow streets of Rome. Although the resolution of the video is low, the driver behind the wheel of the M5 cannot be fully understood. Tom cruise It is not difficult to understand.

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The only thing striking in the video is not that Tom Cruise escapes ‘someone’ in the narrow streets of Rome with a BMW M5 without doors. If you noticed (which is not possible), the film crew was ready to shoot Cruise’s escape scenes. as a camera carrier one Nissan GT-R and Porsche cayenne uses. Of course, the vehicles have been specially modified for their ‘mission’.


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As we understand from the video, Mission Impossible 7 does not intend to offer less action than the six movies we have seen so far. Still, to see what kind of action Ethan Hunt is getting into 19 November 2021 We have to wait for its date.

Video of Tom Cruise driving a doorless BMW M5

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