
Gal Gadot will appear in Cleopatra movie

Gal Gadot and its director, Patty Jenkins, are reunited to produce a new Cleopatra movie. Jenkins will sit in the director’s chair in the new movie, where we will see Gadot as the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra.

Famous actress in the lead role Gal Gadot in which he took part and directed by Patty Jenkins superhero movie he undertook Wonder Woman 1984The vision date has been delayed many times due to the coronavirus outbreak. Finally, it is not known whether the film, which was postponed from October 2 to December 25, 2020, will receive a new delay in the following days, but the film’s duo Gadot and Jenkins a new project We now know that they will continue to work on it.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the two Cleopatra will meet for the movie. While it is announced that Jenkins will direct the screenplay written by Laeta Kalogridis, Gadot is in the 1963 classic. Elizabeth taylor portrayed by Egyptian Queen Cleopatra will take on the role.

Cleopatra, made in 1963, won Oscars in four categories:

The 1963 production Cleopatra, directed by Joseph L. Makiewicz, was a rather expensive project for its period highest grossing movie was. Same time nominated for an Oscar in nine categories The screened film managed to win awards in four categories. It is unclear for now whether the 1963 production will have any relation to the new movie.

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Paramount Pictures; Apple, Universal, Warner Bros. and won the rights to the project by beating giant competitors like Netflix. Paramount Motion Picture Group President Emma Watts and the studio’s CEO Jim Gianopulos reportedly worked hard to get Cleopatra’s rights.


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In the movie, we’ll see Jenkins as the director and Gadot as Queen Cleopatra. However, other than that, not many details were shared. We will continue to inform you as new developments occur in the production. To be aware of the developments in this process on follow thick.

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