
Sony Disassembled PlayStation 5 (Video)

Sony, who wanted to show what kind of hardware is hidden under the stylish cover of the PlayStation 5, shared a video in which the PlayStation 5 was disassembled.

The game world is for the start of the next generation console wars PlayStation 5 and waiting for the Xbox Series X to be released. Sony, which is silent compared to Microsoft about the promotion of PS5, may increase the excitement about the PS5 in the last released video.

In the video posted personally on PlayStation’s official YouTube channel, a Sony employee tears apart PlayStation 5. In the video, we are not only seeing the PS5 360 degrees for the first time, but also have the opportunity to see all the parts of one of the products that the game world will consider as reference equipment for the next 5-6 years.

Work for PlayStation 5 started in 2015


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The video, supported by a post shared on the PlayStation Blog, not only shows the ‘inside’ of PlayStation 5, but also shares some details about Sony’s work on PlayStation 5. Accordingly, Sony Started brainstorming for PlayStation 5 in 2015 and the console is actually the product of 5 years of engineering work.

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Last week, Japanese broadcasters had the opportunity to test the PS5, and as far as publishers reported, we know that the PS5 runs extremely quiet. Before Sony made the PS5 silent that they focus on increasing the cooling capacity He states that after developing the cooling system, they found a balance in order for the device to operate silently.

The video in which PlayStation 5 breaks down

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