
Practical information for working women:

For working women, it is important to quickly finish home cleaning and spare time for themselves and their loved ones. ““As editors, we are like you; we both work and maintain the order of our house. Making our life easier We share our practical cleaning methods with you.

5 minutes is enough for kitchen cleaning.

Take 5 minutes after each dinner and do the following:

Take 2 minutes to wipe the countertop and stove. Wipe the surface of your counter and the oil splashes on the stove with a damp and detergent cloth.

Sweep the floor in 3 minutes

Look around you. Are there bread, coffee, biscuit shards on the floor? Sweep the kitchen right away, starting from the door to the corners, with the broom. Wipe the dust off the floor with a slightly damp cloth or paper towel.

For walls and cabinets, set aside 13 minutes every two weeks:

Take 13 minutes to dust the ceramics and cabinets, door and window frames. For this, choose ready-made dust cloths.

Take 2 minutes to wipe the outside of the refrigerator. Wipe the shelves and inside with a damp, lint-free cloth.

3 minutes is enough for surfaces

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Wipe the outer surfaces of the sink, countertop, oven, stove and refrigerator with the cleaning cloth. Use brushes and powder detergent for the dirt around the bananas.

4 minutes is enough for slabs

Wipe the floors with the cleaning cloth, starting from the corner and the entrance to the room. You can polish the floors by using spray cleaners.


Easy to clean the bathroom

Take 3 minutes each day after your shower:

Hold a jet for 30 seconds to clean your tub. You will be cleaning your daily dirt from the tub.

1 minute to clean the toilet. The toilet is the most important place to be clean. Make sure it is thoroughly disinfected.

Delete places in 1 minute:

Wipe the floor with a paper towel or a cloth that can absorb water.

Take 14 minutes every two weeks:

Disinfect the toilet in 1 minute. Spray cleanser sprays, wait for a while and flush. Clean the floors using a cleaner that will also disinfect.

Clean the sink in 2 minutes. There are also sprays that protect the surface of the sink, such as sprays that protect your clothes. Wipe the bathroom mirror and taps with a dust-free cloth.

5 minutes to clean your shower. You can clean your ceramics, your taps (do not spray every spray on the taps, see if it does damage) with sprays or powder detergents that clean the walls.

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Finish cleaning the toilet in 3 minutes.

Leave the spray you sprayed outside and into your toilet for about 7 minutes and then rub the inside with a brush. Also wipe the outer surface with a damp cloth.

Wipe the floor for 3 minutes with a floor cloth or cloth with a handle.

The dirtiest places in the toilet and bathroom are under the sink. Wipe this place with a dry or wet cloth. Do not scrub unnecessarily.

Dikkat: Sitemiz herkese açık bir platform olduğundan, çox fazla kişi paylaşım yapmaktadır. Sitenizden izinsiz paylaşım yapılması durumunda iletişim bölümünden bildirmeniz yeterlidir.

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