
What is Ozone Oil? What Does It Do? What are the benefits?

What is Ozone Oil?  What Does It Do?  What are the benefits?

What is ozone oil? What? What are the benefits? Ozone is found naturally in the sky and helps protect us from the effects of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Ozone is known as O3. This is because it contains 3 oxygen molecules. It can also be called active oxygen. Ozone can react very quickly with other molecules and break them down. This makes ozone an excellent disinfectant. Because it can destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts. Due to all these properties, ozone oil obtained from ozone has recently become very popular.
Ozone oil is obtained from high quality, organic, pure, cold pressed olive oil. Ozone bubbles combine with ozone oil for a long time and ozone injection is made into olive oil. Ozone works as a reactive gas and has a very unstable property. However, it can be said that olive oil has the feature of an ozone-resistant storage mold. When ozone combines with olive oil, it interacts rapidly with the oil and this oil obtains a very balanced structure. At the end of the application, the oil becomes a gel and its color becomes darker.

What are the benefits of ozone oil?

Ozone oil is widely used on the skin. Ozone oil supports the regeneration of skin cells and has properties that can sterilize and clean wounds. This oil can also reduce inflammation, relieve irritation and speed recovery. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of ozone oil;

  • Ozone oil repairs teeth and cleans plaque

A study published in 2018 investigated the use of ozone oil to treat certain periodontal conditions in 30 subjects. This research found that when using ozone oil as an adjunct process for straightening or rooting, it provided significant improvements for participants who used it. Experts recommend that those who want to use ozone oil on their teeth apply a cotton swab to their gums, or even add a few drops to their toothbrush to brush their teeth.

  • Ozone oil is good for herpes problems

Ozone oil can be a long-term remedy for cold sores. This oil is an extremely effective treatment method. For cold sores such as cold sores, you can apply ozone oil to the affected area 3 times a day until your wounds heal.

  • Ozone oil improves foot and nail fungus
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If you suffer from toenail or athlete’s foot, ozone oil can help. To do this, first soak your feet in a bathtub or a bowl for 10 minutes and then dry them, paying extra attention to the areas between the toes. When feet are completely dry, apply ozone oil to the affected areas of the feet and toes. Repeat this process several times a week, even if the fungus has healed.

  • Ozone oil relieves muscle pain

If your muscles are sore after an intense exercise session or a tiring day, you can massage the affected areas with ozone oil. The pain will begin to subside in a short time.

  • Ozone oil treats cuts, burns and wounds

Ozone oil is often used successfully to treat minor wounds, injuries, burns and insect bites. A recent study found that those treated with ozone oil experienced a very significant improvement in their wounds compared to those treated without the use of ozone oil. Experts recommend using this essential oil for wounds and burns as well.

  • Ozone oil offers various benefits for babies

Ozone oil is a safe and natural treatment method against skin rashes and diaper rash in babies. This oil does not contain any of the harmful chemicals found in some over-the-counter creams and soothes the baby’s discomfort, eliminates possible swelling and treats skin sores.

  • Ozone oil treats hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids)

Ozone oil is considered to be one of the best natural treatments for painful hemorrhoids. It relieves the pain of hemorrhoids, has calming qualities and anti-inflammatory properties that will help heal skin cracks.

  • Ozone oil acts as a natural deodorant

To use ozone oil as a natural deodorant, just apply it under the arms and wrists. This effective oil will help oxidize odor-causing bacteria.

  • Ozone oil removes warts

Many warts today are usually caused by viruses. Many people have used ozone oil to remove and heal warts. Because ozone oil has antiviral properties. This feature removes warts in a short time and reduces the risk of recurrence.

  • Ozone Oil Helps Relieve Yeast Infections
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Ozone oil is a very effective treatment for many types of yeast infections. For women with vaginal yeast infections in clinical trials, this oil significantly reduced itching and discharge. Also, this oil can be used to treat thrush and many other infections caused by the common Candida yeast.

Benefits of ozone oil for the skin

Ozone oil is very useful for stains. Among the benefits of ozone oil to the skin is the equalization of the skin tone. When applied gently to the skin, it removes acne scars.

  • Ozone oil is good for acne and acne

Ozone oil, which can be used as a topical massage oil, removes toxins and lactic acid, cleanses the skin, acts as a natural antioxidant that helps to remove dirt and bacteria, and purifies pores. These antibacterial properties of ozone oil provide a beneficial natural treatment for acne and acne and is also used effectively in the treatment of many chronic skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema problems. In addition to cleansing the skin, ozone oil prevents irritation, helps reduce redness and swelling on the skin.

  • Ozone oil smoothes wrinkles

Thanks to the antioxidant effects of ozone oil, some signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines are eliminated and the appearance of age spots is minimized.

What are the benefits of ozone oil for hair?

Ozone oil, which is also used for hair, has been accepted to be effective in the treatment of hair and scalp problems such as dandruff and hair loss. These hair problems are usually caused by hormonal imbalances, poor hair care, aging, unhealthy diet, various diseases, possible infections, genetic factors, environmental pollution, and other important external factors that can dry or infect the skin. scalp. Ozone oil, with its unstable molecule containing three oxygen atoms, has high oxidizing properties and releases oxygen-free radicals that can be injected anywhere on the body, such as the scalp.

The scalp and hair where ozone oil is applied will literally rust. The contact of the hair strands with the roots also revitalizes, nourishes and strengthens the hair follicles. This oil also restores blood circulation in the head and eliminates microbial infections found in the scalp and hair follicles. It gives volume and density to hair, repairs and restructures hair. It also controls the frizz to control the hair. It balances the pH levels in the scalp and also eliminates dandruff problems. It helps hair regrowth and promotes rapid hair growth. Thus, smoother, shinier and more beautiful hair is created.

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Can ozone oil be applied to open wounds?

Ozone oil is one of the oils you can use to quickly heal wounds and burns, as well as prevent scars on the skin. Even if ozone oil is applied to the wounds, it is definitely not applied to the open wound;

Is Ozone Oil Good For Knee Pain?

Oozn oil is one of the oils you can use for joint and knee pain. You can apply ozone oil to relieve knee and joint pain. It is known to be good for muscles and menus.

Does ozone rubbing oil around the eyes?

The question of whether ozone oil is applied to the face and whether ozone oil is applied under the eyes is a frequently asked question among those who want to use this oil. Ozone oil, which revitalizes the skin and accelerates blood flow, has an anti-aging effect that prevents wrinkles. Although it is not a problem to apply it to the face, it should be applied under the eye in a small amount of a thin layer and care should be taken to never get into the eyes. Keep in mind that ozone oil will help hair grow when used for a long time.

Ozone Oil Damage

Ozone oil has no harm or side effects, not counting the benefits. Avoid excessive use for long periods, just in case.

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