
Pineapple Benefits – | Who has

Pineapple Benefits – |  Who has

The benefits of pineapple Originally from South America, with its pleasant scent and exquisite taste, pineapple is the fruit of the most popular plants of the pineapple family.
This delicious fruit, which was first found in Brazil in 1555 and then moved to England and then to France, is now consumed with interest and admiration in our country as in the world countries.

This fruit, which is consumed with pleasure in all tropical climates of the world, is grown in countries such as Brazil, Philippines, Thailand, India and Vietnam.

Although it is not grown in our country, this fruit imported from abroad occupies a special place in our kitchens.

Pineapple, which contributes greatly to our health, has become more popular in our country as both fruit and fruit juice.

So much so that the benefits of pineapple are often mentioned by experts, which makes this fruit even more popular these days!

What are the benefits of pineapple in this article? We will try to answer the question about pineapple and answer the curious questions.

Here are the details you should know about the benefits and uses of this delicious tropical climate fruit:

Pineapple Nutrition Facts:

Pineapple, which contains many vitamins A, D, B6 and C, also contains rich minerals calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium.

Also, pineapple contains small amounts of phosphorus, copper, and zinc.

Containing beta carotene, pineapple also contains plenty of cobalamin.

Even the daily consumption of 1 glass of pineapple juice meets a large part of the daily vitamin C and manganese needs of the person.

Pineapple FaydWhat is the alar?

We can list the most important benefits of this fruit as follows:

  • It improves digestive health.

With bromelain in its components, it enables the digestive system, namely the intestines, to work faster.

On the other hand, it fights inflammation that can be seen in the intestines and digestive system and dries these inflammations.

Pineapple, which you can use in the treatment of colitis, effectively treats chronic constipation and prevents diarrhea.

When consumed regularly by children, it causes intestinal worms to disappear more easily.

We recommend that you regularly consume pineapple if you have irritable bowel syndrome or colitis, as stronger and well-functioning intestines positively affect overall body health.

  • Protects heart health

The most important benefits of pineapple include vitamin C, potassium and fiber structure in its components, and it protects heart health.

Pineapple, by preventing the accumulation of high amounts of cholesterol in the blood, reduces the risk of stroke, stroke and heart attack.

Since it lowers and balances blood pressure, it also minimizes the risk of death due to high blood pressure.

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You can benefit from the heart-protecting function of pineapple in the natural treatment of arteriosclerosis and vascular occlusion.

  • The fight against cancer

This fruit, which has a fibrous structure; Since it relaxes the intestines and prevents the formation of harmful bacteria in the intestines, it reduces the risk of colon cancer.

The fiber, vitamins and minerals in its content help the body fight cancer more easily as it strengthens the immune system.

It reduces tumor cells and prevents these cells from spreading to other organs and throughout the body.

Pineapple, which also reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, greatly reduces the risk of breast, skin, larynx and stomach cancer, especially colon and prostate cancer.

  • It is very good for muscle and joint pain.

Pineapple with bromelain in its ingredients; It is also known for its analgesic effect. The bromelain, iron, calcium and manganese it contains relieves the severity of muscle and joint pain caused by other types of rheumatism, especially rheumatoid arthritis.

It strengthens muscles and bones and repairs damaged muscles. Pineapple, which prevents the development of osteoporosis in the person, naturally removes the inflammation in the muscles and bones.

  • Oral and dental health care

Vitamins and minerals in its components strengthen bones and muscles as well as gums and teeth.

Regular consumption of pineapple, which is good for gum bleeding, kills bacteria and germs in the teeth and mouth, and eliminates inflammation in the gums.

  • Protects eye health

The fact that pineapple contains plenty of vitamin A helps to protect eye health and prevent cataract formation in the eye.

It improves one’s vision and makes it clearer and more vivid.

  • Increases immunity

Because it strengthens immunity with the vitamins and minerals it contains, it can prevent viral and bacterial infections, colds, flu, flu, etc. It can prevent diseases. It is very good for upper respiratory tract infections.

It helps clear sputum by relieving the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis.

  • Increase the chances of pregnancy.

Another of the most important benefits of pineapple is that it increases sperm quality in men and egg quality in women.

It increases women’s fertility and effectively fights infertility.

  • It speeds up the metabolism

Pineapple balances blood sugar and prevents the development of type 2 diabetes; Limit your daily calorie intake as it creates a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Since it does not contain saturated fat, it helps the person to lose weight more easily.

  • It lowers high blood pressure.

With the potassium, vitamins and minerals it contains, it accelerates the blood circulation and ensures that the blood carries plenty of oxygen.

As you lower your blood pressure, you lower and balance your high blood pressure values.

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Pineapple benefits for skin:

Pineapple skin care masks beautify and rejuvenate the skin. Regular consumption of pineapple also cleanses the skin from dead cells.

We can summarize the benefits of regular consumption of pineapple and pineapple mask as follows:

  • Pineapple juice and pineapple mask, which has an exfoliating effect, purifies the skin from dead cells. It almost removes black spots by opening clogged pores. It moisturizes the skin by observing the pH balance of the skin.
  • Pineapple juice, which you can use in acne and acne treatment, removes inflammation on the skin. It quickly penetrates acne and pimples and prevents excessive oil accumulation on the skin. It is quite good for brightening the skin.
  • It improves blood flow and circulation in the skin and maintains the skin’s elasticity. It improves the appearance of wrinkles with its skin tightening effect.
  • When applied to wounds and burns on the skin, it interferes with the rapid healing of wounds and burns.
  • When applied to dry and worn skin, it moisturizes the skin and eliminates flaking and flaking of the skin.
  • The pineapple mask applied to the under-eye area removes puffiness and bruises.
  • Pineapple juice applied to cracked and worn hands and feet moisturizes the treated area.
  • When applied to the nails, it contributes to the rapid growth of the nails.
  • Pineapple juice, which you can use for both hair and skin care, is very good for hair loss.
  • It pioneers new hair growth by moisturizing the hair and allowing the hair follicles to breathe comfortably.
  • It makes hair silky and soft, repairs dry and damaged hair.
  • It cleans the scalp from dandruff, psoriasis and fungi with its anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Pineapple juice applied to the skin; It has a tonic effect and tightens the skin and pores.

How to prepare a pineapple squeeze mask?

We recommend that you try this mask right away to improve the appearance of wrinkles on your skin.


  • 2 teaspoons of grated pineapple
  • 2 teaspoons of flower honey

Preparation and application:

  • Mix both ingredients in a glass bowl with a wooden spoon until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  • Apply this mixture all over your face by massaging it with your fingertips or a clean brush.
  • After waiting for about 15 minutes, rinse your skin with plenty of water.
  • Apply this mask on your skin regularly, once a week.

Can pineapple be eaten during pregnancy?

Experts; She recommends that pregnant women eat pineapple to complete this process more comfortably.

When consumed during pregnancy, it treats constipation in the expectant mother and allows the mother to go to the toilet.

It also strengthens the immunity of the future mother and provides protection against diseases. It is very good for swelling of hands and feet during pregnancy.

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Pineapple and pineapple juice, which helps to relieve edema in the body, helps reduce birth stress.

Supports the physical, mental and spiritual development of the baby with the vitamins and minerals in its components.

How to do a pineapple detox to cure edema?

We strongly recommend that you try this detox to speed up your metabolism, get rid of edema in your body more easily and lose weight quickly.


  • Pineapple slices cup
  • Sliced ​​cucumber glass
  • 3-4 sprigs of fresh mint leaves

Preparation and application:

  • Fill a glass jug with clean, non-chlorinated water.
  • Add the above ingredients to the water.
  • Optionally, you can add ice to this delicious drink.
  • You can drink this mixture 2-3 glasses a day.

How much should pineapple be consumed?

Excessive consumption of pineapple, which meets the body’s need for vitamins and minerals, may cause some complications due to excess vitamins and minerals in the body.

For this reason, you should avoid excessive consumption and only consume a small bowl of pineapple a day.

While drinking pineapple juice, you should definitely be careful to mix it with other vegetables or fruits.

You can also use pineapple as a garnish in your meat dishes.

Those who lose weight with pineapple peel tea:

We can see many people losing weight with pineapple peel tea on the internet, blogs and dictionaries.

Experts emphasize that pineapple skin in particular causes rapid swelling and weakening.

So how do you prepare pineapple peel tea?

First, wash the peel of 1 pineapple. Finely chop the green prickly peel. Leave the shells you cut in salt water for about an hour.

After pouring the brine put the shells in a deep pan. Add 2 liters of water and start boiling.

Put 1 piece of ginger, half a lemon and 1 piece of cinnamon in the pan. Boil the ingredients for 2-3 minutes.

Consume the tea you have prepared 3 times a day with snacks.

Bon appetit already.

Harms of Pineapple:

Consuming too much pineapple can cause a range of side effects, such as consuming too much whole food.

Green pineapple can cause diarrhea and vomiting as it has toxic effects.

Excessive consumption, itching, rash, etc. it can trigger some allergic reactions.

Pregnant women should not exceed consumption.

If you have kidney disease, regularly take antidepressants, antibiotics, etc. Get it. if you are on medication; You should avoid consuming pineapple and get your doctor’s approval first.

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