The Geekbench score of Apple’s new generation tablet iPad Air 4 has emerged. Geekbench results show that the tablet, which has 1.583 points in a single core and 4.198 points in a multi-core, will also have 4 GB of RAM.
Apple is one of the firmest companies in the RAM capacity of its devices and iPad Air 4 The same is true for. One of the things that is known about the hardware features of the company’s new tablet is that it is the first device in many years to use the new chipset (A14 Bionic) before iPhone devices.
A new benchmark result of the iPad Air 4 enabled us to learn the RAM capacity of the device as well as its processor. Well, With A14 Bionic processor Let’s see what the new benchmark result tells us about the new iPad Air 4.
iPad Air 4 will come with 4GB of RAM
Geekbench results show that A14 Bionic to be used on iPad Air 4. Snapdragon 865Although it shows that it will perform better than the Snapdragon 865 Plus and Exynos 990, there are also different information that has emerged. For example, iPad Air 4 will come with 4 GB of RAM. It is currently unknown whether it will be in the LPDDR4x or LPDDR5 standard.
Besides the A14 Bionic, the 4 GB RAM capacity shows that Apple’s new tablet can also be used by professionals. However, it is also stated that the iPad Air 4 may be insufficient for operations such as intensive video editing. So here is the 2020 model iPad Pro Activated.
IPad Air 4’s Touch ID Embedded in the Power Key, According to Apple, An Engineering Wonder
Of course, for now, this hardware information is not officially verified by Apple. Therefore, we can see how consistent the predictions will be that the iPad Air 4 can be used in professional areas after the device is released. But A14 Bionic We can say that the chip is very promising in this regard.
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