Especially the sardines kept in the Marmara Sea, that is around Istanbul, are considered to be the best quality. In droves their wandering makes hunting fertile. The best time to hunt sardines is in July. In this month, they cross the Dardanelles and come to Istanbul. Sardine fish caught around Çanakkale To 25 santimetre Even though they reach as far as, those in Istanbul are much smaller.
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Small sardines are considered more delicious than large ones. Sardines are one of the fastest dying fish after being caught. Consequently, its deterioration time is just as short. Therefore, after catching the fish, icing should be done as soon as possible.
What is Sardine?
The best times for hunting, July and October This is also the period when the bear sardine is the most delicious and nutritious. To little sardines papalina is called. Papalina is not removed when eaten. Düzgüsel size sardines are around 20 santimetre. Large ones up to 30 santimetre are found in the oceans. To the biggest sardine truck is called. It is not preferred because there are too many bones in trucks.
Having a round appearance, the sardine is flattened on the sides. Greenish It is colored and özgü blue spots. If the lower part of the body It is silver color. The scales that cover the body can be poured quite easily. Its white, gray-silver scales give an idea of whether the sardine is nutritious.
What are the Characteristics of Sardine Fish?
The homeland of sardines, which are hunted in many parts of the world, is Portugal. Malta, Sicily, Portugal and Spain In countries such as, many dishes are based on sardines. However, most delicious and high-quality hunting is done in Turkey. Generally caught around the Aegean Sea, sardines are cooked and consumed in many different ways. Reproductive periods are usually April and September It is known that sardines between 6 months old can lay 25,000 eggs at a time. They feed mostly by eating small sea creatures.
In addition to being consumed as food, sardines, which are also used in the production of fish oil and fish meal, are one of the fish that keep the fish economy alive. Apart from eating fresh at the table, it is also a record-breaking variety with canned food sales. It can be said that it competes with anchovy in terms of taste. Click for detailed information about anchovy.
The reason why sardines are the most preferred fish is their taste. It can be included in the category of neither large nor small fish. One of the reasons to be preferred is that it is medium size and özgü plenty of meat. Turkey, in the sardine consuming countries are included in the list of top rankings. In addition to being very popular, the fact that there is a lot in the waters of the country is among the reasons that increase consumption.
What Are the Benefits of Sardine?
The main benefit of sardines calcium store that is. Especially for bone development and dental health, sardines should be consumed. Except this, keep blood sugar balanced It is useful because of Containing a lot of nourishing oil makes sardines important for health. Apart from fat and calcium, being loaded with protein on its own requires consuming plenty.
Depression and anxiety disorder If you have problems such as Omega 3 means you have a deficiency. It is possible to cover this deficiency with sardines. Thanks to the Omega 3 acids it contains, it ensures that mental problems are kept in balance. Among the fish species, one of the fish with the highest oil value is sardine. That’s why you should consume sardines for your skin, heart and not aging.
How to Cook Sardine?
Pan-frying sardines is very unhealthy because of the oil. Fish, which already özgü its own oil, causes more harm than good when fried in a pan. Therefore the sardine in the oven You should take care to do it.
By laying greaseproof paper in the baking tray a few drops of olive oil drip. Then salt the fish and line it well on the paper. Over black pepper you can use. Also, drizzle some lemon. You can place it in the oven that you previously heated at 180 degrees. It will be cooked easily in about 15 minutes. Sardines are one of the tastiest among fish. Therefore, there is no need to combine it with oil and spoil its taste. It will be much tastier and healthier in the oven.
Scientific Classification of Sardines
Realm: Animalia (Animals)
Branch: Chordata (Chordata)
Class: Actinopterygii (Ray Fins)
Team: Clupeiformes
Family: Clupeidae
Genus: Sardina