Onion juice, which is preferred by those who want to lose weight quickly in a short time, also strengthens our immunity and cleans our intestines.
100 grams of onion juice with only 40 calories contains many vitamins A, B, C, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium.
As a great source of vitamins and minerals, it cleans our body from toxins and all harmful substances with its antioxidant effect.
What are the benefits of onion juice in this article? How to lose weight with onion juice? etc. We will try to talk about the most important benefits of this dish.
Benefits of boiled onion juice:
We can list the most important benefits of this healing food as follows:
- Protects heart health
Fighting bad cholesterol, onion juice prevents cholesterol accumulation in veins and vessel walls, causing the vessels to clog and harden.
It is good for heart diseases caused by circulatory disorders and inactivity. It reduces the risk of sudden stroke, heart attack and stroke and increases blood flow.
It enables the blood to carry more oxygen to the brain and other organs including the heart.
- Increases immunity
Since it contains magnesium, iron and vitamin C, it acts as an antioxidant in the body and cleans the body from harmful substances.
When consumed during the winter months and seasonal changes, it treats upper respiratory tract ailments as a natural antibiotic and antibacterial.
Onion juice, which cleans the throat passages, stands out with its expectorant properties.
It reduces the risk of developing cancer as it increases the body’s resistance. It prevents the growth of tumor cells by shrinking them.
For a stronger immune system, you can consume onion or onion juice.
- It helps you lose weight
It helps to get rid of edema in the body more easily as it speeds up digestion and metabolism.
On the other hand, it facilitates the fat burning process by removing harmful substances, ie toxins, from the body with urine.
Limit your calorie intake as it has a filling effect. With the onion juice diet, you can lose weight in a healthy way and meet your body’s vitamin and mineral needs in this process.
- Eliminate inflammation in the body.
Onion juice removes inflammation in both the body and the skin. Regular consumption naturally heals inflammation in the urinary tract, kidneys, throat, in short, many organs of the body.
It also contributes to the beauty of the skin and heals the skin inflammation caused by bacteria.
Cleanse your skin from acne and acne.
- Good for menstrual delay
Onion juice, which is used in the natural treatment of menstrual delay, which can be seen in certain periods for different reasons in women, ensures that the menstrual period comes on time with the function of eliminating menstruation.
It helps menstrual irregularities in women and regulates the menstrual period. At the same time, abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, bloating, hot flashes and gas seen in women during this period are very good.
- Eliminate ovarian cysts
Onion juice, which has many benefits for women, eliminates myomas and cysts in the ovaries by shrinking them.
It prevents women from getting breast and ovarian cancer.
- It strengthens muscles and bones.
Magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium in its content strengthen muscles and bones. Since the fluid between the bones increases the amount of fluid, it is very good for muscle and bone pain and calcification.
It minimizes the possibility of the person to get osteoporosis.
Onion juice cleans the intestines, heals and treats constipation, improves gastritis and reflux symptoms.
It treats gas and stomach bloating, which are common in patients with stomach problems.
It removes inflammation in the urinary tract and eliminates urine in both women and men.
It naturally cures cystitis in women while addressing prostate health in men.
- Good for tinnitus
Onion juice, which can be easily applied to the ear area, removes ear inflammation with its antibacterial properties.
A few drops of chives juice in the ear cure inflammation and relieve ear pain.
- It alleviates the symptoms of menopause.
When onion juice is consumed during menopause, it causes hot flashes, sweating, weight gain, etc. Why does it happen. alleviates symptoms.
- Makes it easier to get pregnant
When consumed regularly by women, it takes care of the health of the ovaries and makes it easier for women to get pregnant.
So much so that we can often find comments on the internet from many women who say that I am pregnant with onion juice.
If you are planning to have a baby too; You can increase your chances of getting pregnant by applying the 15-day onion juice cure.
Skin benefits of onion juice:
Regular consumption of onion juice improves and rejuvenates the skin. It also tightens the skin when applied as a toner.
It is possible to summarize the benefits of onion juice to the skin as follows.
- It eliminates the inflammation of the skin with its antibacterial effect. It softens the skin as it removes acne and pimples.
- Skin care with onion juice cleans the skin deeply. It cleans the skin from blackheads and dirt by opening the clogged pores.
- Onion juice, which also has tightening properties, fights against wrinkles on the skin. Eliminate fine lines and wrinkles in the skin by stimulating the production of new cells and collagen in the skin.
- It improves sagging of the skin when used in body care of legs, hips and legs. Gives elasticity to the skin.
- Onion juice, which you can drink to whiten your skin or apply directly to your skin, cleanses skin blemishes. It brightens and refreshes the skin.
- When applied to skin wounds or consumed orally, it mediates wound healing in a short time.
How to prepare onion juice whitening mask?
With an onion juice mask, you can whiten your skin and eliminate tone imbalances in your skin.
So how do you prepare this skin brightening mask?
- 1 tablespoon of onion juice
- ½ tablespoon of yogurt
Preparation and application:
- Mix both ingredients in a glass bowl with a wooden spoon.
- Apply the mask you have obtained to the imperfections on your skin and then to all parts of your face.
- After waiting for about 15 minutes, rinse your skin with plenty of water.
- Apply this mask on your skin regularly, once or twice a week.
Benefits of onion juice for hair:
Onion juice, which has miraculous contributions to hair, moisturizes and nourishes the hair. This nutrient, which you can use to treat hair loss, ensures rapid hair growth.
In addition to being good for dandruff on the scalp, it treats fungus, psoriasis and eczema on the scalp with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
It is also effective in the treatment of ringworm, which causes the formation of new cells in the scalp. Thus, it helps new hair to grow and existing hair to grow rapidly.
For thicker, more vibrant and shiny hair, you can drink onion juice or wash your hair with onion juice.
How to apply onion juice to hair?
When you add onion juice to your hair care routine, you can stop hair loss and grow your hair in a short time.
So how is onion juice prepared for hair growth?
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon of onion juice
Preparation and application:
- First, peel the onion and cut a small piece of onion.
- Stir the onion slices.
- Then pass the onion juice in the mixer through cheesecloth.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice with one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a glass bowl.
- With this mixture you have, massage your scalp and all of your hair thoroughly.
- Then wrap your hair with a cap.
- After waiting for about 3 hours, rinse your hair with plenty of warm water.
Nourishing onion juice recipe for hair:
You can try this remedy to nourish and thicken your hair and repair damaged hair.
- 1 liter of warm water
- 1 tablespoon of onion juice
Preparation and application:
- Transfer the warm water to a bucket.
- Add the onion juice to the warm water in the bucket.
- Stir the water well in the bucket.
- Use this mixture as a rinse after taking a shower in the bathroom.
How many times a week is onion juice applied to the hair?
When you look at your hair with onion juice 2-3 times a week, you can witness an improvement and growth in your hair at the end of 1 month.
To achieve the best results, you should take care of your hair with this water for at least 2-3 months.
Slimming with onion juice İbrahim Saraçoğlu:
This cure, which accelerates metabolism, cleans the intestines and protects cardiovascular health, also increases a woman’s chances of getting pregnant.
We recommend that you apply this cure as soon as possible to lose weight, strengthen your immunity and take advantage of other benefits of onion juice.
- 1 onion with light brown skin
- 2 glasses of non-chlorinated sterile water
Preparation and application:
- Soak the onions with their peels and roots in vinegar water for about 30 minutes.
- Then boil the water in a saucepan.
- Cut the peeled and rooted onion into four parts and put in boiling water.
- Boil the curing for another 5 minutes.
- Turn off the stove after 5 minutes.
- Transfer the onion juice to a bottle.
- Drink the onion juice before lunch and dinner.
- Drink this remedy regularly for 15 days.
- You can apply this cure every 6 months for 15 days.
Warning: As you will boil the onion with its peel while preparing the cure, dip it in vinegar and clean the onion.
If you are one of those who lose weight or become pregnant with onion juice, you can write your user experiences in the comments section of our article and share your opinions and suggestions with our valuable followers.
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