
Benefits of Eating Garlic? Is it Beneficial to Swallow Garlic?

Benefits of Eating Garlic?  Is it Beneficial to Swallow Garlic?

Benefits of Eating Garlic Is it beneficial to swallow garlic? Garlic is an herb that has been used since ancient times. Garlic used to flavor food has many benefits. Some people may not want to consume garlic just because of the garlic smell. However, once you hear about the healing side of garlic, you will never stop consuming it. There are some herbs that should be in every home. One of them is garlic. Since garlic is a natural antibiotic, instead of using antibiotics, it is necessary to benefit from the therapeutic aspect of garlic in cases such as inflammation or infection. In addition, it has not only antibiotic properties but also therapeutic properties in many other diseases.

What is garlic?

Garlic, whose Latin name is allium sativum, is one of the plants that have served human health best for many years. It grows like an onion underground. The garlic that comes out like a clove turns green in the spring and then becomes a lump. The benefits of garlic increase according to the mineral quality of the soil. It is grown in almost all regions of our country. However, stone-bridged garlic is more healing than other garlics. The reason for this is the vitamins and minerals it takes from the soil. If you like to consume garlic or want to use it for your illnesses, it is recommended to use garlic with small cloves.

In addition, there are a lot of Chinese garlic in our country. Chinese garlic is known for its harm to human health rather than its benefits. For this reason, you should choose garlic obtained from local seeds instead of Chinese garlic. Chinese garlic is fairly easy to understand. It has a wide and smooth appearance. But looking beautiful doesn’t make it perfect. For this reason, you should be careful not to consume genetically modified herbs and to consume Chinese garlic.

Nutritional value of garlic

There are 149 kcal calories in 100 grams of garlic used since ancient times. It has sulfur in it nutritional value of garlic Yes;

  • Carbohydrate,
  • Fiber,
  • Protein,
  • 0.5 percent fat,
  • Cholesterol ratio is 0,
  • It is rich in vitamins A and C,
  • Potassium,
  • It contains vitamins and minerals such as iron.
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What are the benefits of garlic?

Garlic plays an effective role in the treatment of many diseases. It was used frequently in medicine in ancient Egypt. Today, it is still involved in some diseases and even herbal medicine. The benefits of garlic Yes;

  • Garlic eliminates sexual reluctance in both men and women.

Due to the garlic content, when used regularly, it contributes to the more active functioning of blood vessels. Therefore, sexual anorexia also disappears. It also improves sperm quality in men. It helps to eliminate problems such as inflammation of the ovaries in women. In this way, couples can have a baby in a shorter time.

  • Garlic treats throat infections.

First of all, it is worth mentioning. When antibiotics are used for every sore throat or tonsillitis, the body’s defense mechanism decreases. Therefore, when the body takes antibiotics frequently, it enters a late recovery period. If you have discomfort such as burning or sore throat, you can crush 2 cloves of garlic in a bowl of yogurt. You will quickly see its benefits after a few uses. Especially in children, it will be more advantageous to use garlic healing instead of using drugs directly.

  • Garlic eliminates infections in the blood and urine.

Infection in the blood causes body aches and extreme weakness in humans. In such cases, it is necessary to use natural products such as garlic and lemon. It is recommended to consume plenty of garlic for urinary tract infections.

  • Garlic lowers high blood pressure.

High blood pressure also carries some risks. It is recommended to consume buttermilk garlic as well as blood pressure medications. However, buttermilk must be absolutely salt-free. Garlic, which lowers blood pressure, contributes to the progression of blood pressure in the future. In other words, it is one of the unique blessings for blood pressure patients.

  • Garlic is good for skin problems.

Garlic prevents the spread of microbes thanks to its antiseptic properties. When used regularly, it ensures that viruses and microbes are completely ineffective. For this reason, it is necessary to benefit from the healing aspect of garlic in fungal diseases, eczema and psoriasis.

  • Garlic is good for nail fungus.

Nail fungus is one of the diseases that cause poor aesthetic appearance. If you have problems such as nail fungus, first file the nail and remove dead cells from the nail. Then you can apply the garlic cut in half to the nails. If you do this application regularly every day, you will see that the nail fungus disappears in a very short time.

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  • Garlic prevents hair loss.

Garlic should be used for hair loss. Especially if the hair does not grow again after hair loss, it is recommended to apply garlic to that area to awaken the dormant cells of the hair follicle.

  • Garlic relieves toothache.

Since toothaches will cause tooth loss in the future, they should be treated immediately. In other words, treating toothaches with natural products causes immediate pain but does not cure teeth. However, in some cases it may be impossible to see a doctor. There is no surgical procedure that can be performed for toothache, especially in pregnant women. For this reason, you can place the divided garlic on the sore tooth. Soon you will see that the toothache is gone.

  • Garlic treats inflammatory conditions such as acne and boils.

As it is known, garlic, which is a great source of antioxidants, cures adverse conditions such as inflamed acne and boils in a short time.

  • Garlic prevents cancer.

Vitamins in garlic prevent cancer cells from growing in the body. Therefore, if you are at risk of cancer, it is recommended to consume garlic regularly.

Is it beneficial to swallow garlic?

Those who do not like to consume garlic in meals or who do not like to consume it by biting are the main curiosity of people. Is it beneficial to swallow garlic? This is the question. Yes, garlic helps to swallow. These benefits;

  • Everyone knows that garlic is a natural antibiotic. Regularly taken garlic protects the body. In this way, all situations requiring antibiotics are eliminated.
  • When garlic is eaten, blood pressure value reaches the point where it should be. In other words, the blood pressure of those who eat garlic is neither too low nor too high.
  • The best thing about swallowing garlic is that it allows you to be more active during the day. If you get tired very quickly and feel very weak during the day, it is recommended to eat a clove of garlic a day.
  • While garlic helps to eliminate intestinal worms in a short time, it also prevents negative conditions such as constipation.
  • Thanks to garlic, which facilitates stomach digestion, your stomach and intestines are more easily digested.
  • Taking half a clove of garlic a day helps hair and nails grow faster.
  • Regularly eaten garlic contributes to a brighter and more vibrant skin.
  • If people who have trouble breathing regularly consume garlic, they can start to breathe more comfortably. Because ingestion of garlic contributes to the opening of the bronchi.
  • Ingestion of garlic has diuretic properties.
  • What are the harms of swallowing garlic?
  • There is not much harm in swallowing garlic. However, it will be useful to pay attention to a few points while eating and consuming garlic.
  • Since the taste of garlic is bitter and intense, it can cause heartburn and irritation of the stomach wall. If you experience stomach problems while eating or swallowing garlic, you should stop consuming garlic immediately. For some people, garlic can be difficult to swallow. For example, conditions such as rash, nausea and itching may occur.
  • If you are constantly taking medication to treat a chronic condition, it is helpful to consult your doctor before consuming garlic.
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How to eat garlic?

How is garlic consumed? Many people know the answer to the question. However, the issue is not how it is consumed, but how it is consumed correctly. For example, a clove of garlic per day will be sufficient. Consuming more garlic can lead to stomach problems and even problems such as diarrhea.

Fresh garlic; You can see fresh garlic at the end of the winter months. You can consume it in salads or in different dishes.

Dried garlic; Dried garlic is suitable for use in all types of food. However, after a while, the inside of the garlic may dry out and shrink. To prevent such situations, you can peel the garlic and freeze it in the freezer.

Pickled garlic; Pickled garlic is a great remedy for stomach and intestinal problems. Fermented garlic completely eliminates many intestinal problems.

It is consumed when swallowed; Garlic is fairly easy for humans to swallow. In addition, those who do not like the smell of garlic can also consume it by swallowing.

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