According to an independent security researcher, there is a serious vulnerability in Mac devices with Intel processors and T2 chips. According to the researcher, this vulnerability cannot be repaired with any patch either.
According to the claims of a cyber security researcher, Intel processor and With T2 chip Apple macOS devices will allow attackers to gain administrative access irreparable has a security vulnerability.
This T2 chip is used in many modern macOS devices. Apple Silicon coprocessor. This chip handles features such as audio processing, as well as preloading and security operations. According to Niels H., an independent security researcher, the T2 chip is can’t be patched has a serious security flaw.
Vulnerability in T2 chip that allowed administrator access
According to Niels H. Apple A10 processor based T2 chip, which also affects iOS-based devices ‘chekcm8’ vulnerable to vulnerability. This allows attackers to block the activation lock and perform other malicious attacks.
Under normal circumstances, the T2 chip will exit with an error if it detects a decoding state while in DFU mode. However, this vulnerability was developed by Pangu and DFU’s blocking exit safety mechanism can be matched with the other deficit.
After gaining access to the T2 chip, the attacker gains full administrative access and core administrative privileges. Although files protected with FileVault encryption cannot be decrypted ‘keyloggerPasswords can be stolen using ‘. The vulnerability also allows security locks to be bypassed manually.
How Easily A Critical Vulnerability in Instagram Can Be Exploited
Niels H. stated that he reached Apple to close this gap, but did not receive a return. In order to attract attention, he published an article on the blog page about the vulnerability. Also, according to Niels H. Affects all Mac devices with Intel processors and T2 chips. However, an attacker needs physical access to the device to exploit this vulnerability. If you have a Mac device with Intel processor and T2 chip, you can be careful not to connect USB devices with unknown source to your device.
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