A Twitter user named ‘BKTOOR’ shared a 31-second cut scene clip that he claimed was from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. The person making the post stated that he has 18 more cutscenes.
The past few weeks Call Ugh Duty It was quite exciting for the fans. Activision will be available soon, as well as the season 6 update of Warzone and Modern Warfare Black Ops Cold War also announced his game. After the announcement of the game, the Zombie mode was officially announced, but new details about the game continue to come.
Now, a person is playing Call of Duty Cold War from the cut scenes leaked one. These images, which are spreading rapidly online, do not contain much information about the game, but most people still spoilers trying to stay away. For this reason, if you do not want to know anything about Call of Duty Cold War, the rest of the article may be annoying for you.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War leaked cut scene:
CIA agent tasked with stopping the mysterious Soviet agent, alias Perseus, in the leaked cutscene. Russell Adler We see him smoking cigars on board an aircraft carrier. Although there is no other remarkable detail in this 31-second clip, we can say that some part of the game will include planes, helicopters and sea views.
The Twitter user with the code name ‘BKTOOR’ sharing the images, apart from that 18 different cutscenes He stated that it still existed and shared a photo of a folder with similar sized files to confirm his claims. In some file names in this folder where BKTOOR shared the screenshot from various locations was mentioned.
When we look at the file names, the story of the game Germany, Vietnamese, Nicaragua and Russia It seems that it will pass in such countries. Although Activision Blizzard has not yet made a statement about the leaks, it seems that we will see more leaks about the game in the coming days.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, On November 13, 2020 It will be released for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X. We will continue to share with you if there are new developments in the game during this process.
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